#13 Less is more

#13 Less is more

This week was like Christmas at Twin Trees Towers, with a special delivery.

Less is More

After pondering for some time, we made the plunge and sold what is a more versatile lens, the Tamron 24-70mm, for the Canon 24mm 1.4 prime lens. In some respects this makes our lives harder, requiring more thought into the shots we make and how we frame them. So why did we do this I hear you cry!?

We have been through so much gear over the years, starting small and cheap, migrating upwards, wheeling and dealing to the next purchase or new thing. Each time we were able to do that little bit more, although sometimes we suffered from a rush of blood to the head, more want than need. However, one of the things that we have come to appreciate in recent years is the benefit of paying that little bit more to get a ‘lifer’ piece of gear.

For us to get that professional look for our client work, ultimately we need the gear that helps us achieve that. Yes there is much more to it than just gear, but once you have a level of competency around the editing process and composition, then it is gear that gives us that extra 5%.

So for us, less is more. Don’t get me wrong, we have plenty of ‘stuff’ still, but we would rather have less volume and better quality. Finding out what you really need and use regularly, and then upgrading that to the best standard, is where we find the marginal gains to take our end product and our business to the next level.

We would love to hear what you think about this! What’s your experiences?