#4 reasons why you need a Website?

#4 reasons why you need a Website?

A friend recently asked us about the value of a website in today’s market of Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. When choosing a domain name, getting a hosting service and building and designing a website seem so much more complicated than setting up an Instagram page in 10 minutes, why should people bother!? Here are our top 4 reasons why, in our opinion, you should absolutely bother…

1- The reality is that many consumers still don’t take a brand seriously unless they have a website, regardless of whether they tick the other boxes on social media. The very fact that you can set up an Instagram account in rapid time means that a well built website helps customers differentiate between a start up business or hobbyist, and a serious brand that can provide value.

2- Consumers still use search engines to research businesses more than Instagram or Facebook. Without going down the rabbit hole of SEO (search engine optimisation) having your business or service feature prominently in search engines such as Google is absolutely crucial to being successful.

3- Building a website does not have to be expensive. With Website builders such as Wix available on the market, people can now opt to build and maintain their own website for relatively low costs. For those of you that don’t feel comfortable doing this there are companies in the Market (such as …..us!!) who through the nature of their business can work with clients to create a tailored website to meet their budget. Do not let the misconception that websites cost a fortune put you off…this does not have to be the case!

4- There is no better platform to let your audience understand who you are, what you do and how you do it, all in one place. Yes, you could introduce me to your brand through a series of Instagram stories and posts over a period of time, but with a well designed website, with the click of a few buttons and I can instantly get a feel for you and your business.

So there we are, 4 concise yet compelling reasons why you need a website. If you are like nearly 40% of small businesses, and you haven’t got a website then we would love to hear your thoughts as to why you haven’t got one yet!