#7 Let’s talk about your marketing

#7 Let’s talk about your marketing

If these scenarios sound familiar, then this blog is for you. Don’t put this off for a rainy day – we’re here to help & its way easier to make small improvements that will deliver results than you might think. So, do you:-

-Spend considerable amounts of money on new products, equipment & kitting out your shop but aren’t getting the interest you need to return your investment

-Already post on Facebook and Instagram, but never really get the audience engagement you hope for or the exciting traction you were hoping for when you posted.

-Fill with dread or confusion when you see the word “marketing”, or worse still, dismiss it as unnecessary?

– See your competitors doing great things & get a bit miffed that your potential customers are choosing them over you.

Did any of that resonate? If so, do read on…

We know that your time is limited & you can’t do everything. When you’re a small business you’re often running multiple departments that a bigger business will employ many people to run – you’re on finance, HR, marketing, sales, front of house, procurement, customer service & so on.

You literally can’t do it all to the levels your business requires if you’re going to be successful & sustainable – in business & in life. That’s why you outsource certain things. Our guess is that you don’t do your tax return each year for example – far too much effort & legal speak to get involved.

And when it comes to other tasks, it’s no different – it’s just a matter of evaluating the level of skill required & the risk of not getting the outcome your are after. So have a think & specifically about your marketing … which bits are you comfortable doing yourself? What have you got time for? And how effective are you?

We’ve developed a simple one to one self-assessment tool that guides you through the basics of marketing, including reflecting on your current activity, thinking about your brand proposition, your current media content, who your customers really are, where you market yourself & how, & ultimately we help you to identify the priority areas where you can make small wins or if you’re up for it, big moves, to engage customers more often, with more impact. It also helps you see where an agency like Twin Trees Creative can work alongside you as your marketing department either as a one off, or on a more regular basis.

It’s not about doing it all – it’s about doing what’s going be most effective with the time & resources you have. We’ll also give you a short report to get you on your way.

Get in touch for a free chat about how we could help you to really improve how you market your business, to book in for a one to one self assessment & start on the road to much more effective & efficient marketing.

Message us now!